Year of Monkey is coming to all of Chinese from China and around the world, Chinese will be on holiday very soon for the celebration of this most important holiday; As each year, workers from SHARE are off for holiday earlier than official holiday, because most of the workers are migrating from far-away provinces, they could not reunite with their parents, kids during the year but only during the Spring Festival Holiday, so they are given more days off and earlier, so that they can safely go back to their hometown and spend happy time with their parents.
SHARE is very grateful for all their hard-work and devotion in the past year, without their hard-work and devotion, SHARE would not be able to supply quality products to our clients, without their over-time working, SHARE could not deliver orders on time, without their year-to-year support, SHARE would not be able to make this big progress.
Thanks for all the work.
SHARE is very thankful for all of our clients from home and abroad, without your support and cooperation, SHARE would not be able to achieve this success; With all your support, cooperation and trust, SHARE can achieve year-on-year goal. Appreciations from all of our staff go to all of our clients. Happy New Year of Monkey to all of you, May Year of Monkey brings you Success, Health, Happiness and Prosperity.
Happy Lunar New Year to all!